
I'm Caroline from Scotland.

I'm a web developer".

cazcodes landing page

Landing Page Project

This is a landing page I built at the very beginning of my journey into coding with She Codes. This landing page was made with html and css. The brief for the project was to build a landing page about something you are interested in. Was a natural choice for me to pick my interest in art and design.

Tropical Weather App Project

This is a weather app I built using Html, CSS and JavaScript. This was my own design and was a project for the SheCodes Plus Workshop.

weather app
alternate weather app

Alternate Weather App Project

This is a re-styled weather app I worked on using a simple theme. I used Html, CSS and Javascript to complete this project. I gained an understanding of how APis work to source live data from the internet in order for this app to function.

Future Projects

I'm always working on new projects. Once completed, I will add them to my linktree account below. Just click to view.

My Linktree

Coded by Caroline Weir (Cazcodes) 2022

Source code available on github

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