"Here's a little bit

about me."


My transition to tech

I've been working in the education sector with children and young adults for many years and have now transitioned to the Tech Industry and a brand-new life challenge!

In January this year, I was fortunate to access the Government funded, Digital Skills Pipeline, 'Intro to Tech' Course with CodeClan. This was a week-long interactive workshop introducing Full Stack Development. I was instantly and completely hooked!!

I am currently self-funding my learning through SheCodes. Their workshops have introduced me to Html, CSS and JavaScript. SheCodes has also given me the opportunity to meet some amazing and inspirational global developers through their Slack channel.

I am also building relationships with beginner and senior developers alike through social media. They give me valuable advice and the determination to succeed in the Tech Industry.

My achievements so far ...

Certifcates Certificate Certificate Certificate

Coded by Caroline Weir (Cazcodes) 2022

Source code available on github

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